4 Questions to Ask When You Read the Bible
Have you ever read a passage of scripture, and then thought to yourself, “What did I even just read?” Yeah, we’ve all been there.
Scripture is holy, powerful, and also, ancient. It was written over approximately 1,500 years, with the last books of the Bible written close to 2,000 years ago. That’s a whole lot of time, and a very long time ago.
Yes, the Word of God is “alive and active [and]…judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12 NIV) Scripture may be old, but it is certainly not outdated. The truths, promises, themes, and revelations within each book of the Bible are radically relevant for our daily lives.
Still, we are not reading the Bible while living in biblical times, which means if we are not intentional while reading scripture, we may miss some significant details or even important messages.
Here’s a simple approach to your Bible reading (or listening) that can help you make better sense of what you just read, discern God’s voice, and know how to apply scripture to your everyday life:
Begin by reading a passage of scripture 2-3 times. The first time you are simply focused on reading the passage. Then, reread (or listen again) to the same passage– paying attention to certain words, phrases and details you might have missed the first time through.
Now ask yourself these 4 questions:
1. What does this passage reveal to me about God?
This first prompt allows you to see God in the text. Here you are considering what the passage shows you about His character, nature, power, love, etc..
2. What does this passage show me about humanity?
This question allows you to examine what scripture exposes about the human condition. Perhaps, the passage shows you how much we need God, or how humans were made in God’s image, or how humanity treats each other when motivated by fear.
3. What resonates with me most today and why?
When we meditate on God’s Word, it speaks to us in very personal and relevant ways. This question invites the Holy Spirit to speak truth to your heart and speak to your current situations as you spend time in God’s Word. Maybe there is a promise that you read that brings you great comfort, or a directive that convicts you of sin, or a piece of wisdom that changes how you interact with your coworker moving forward.
4. What is this passage directing me to do or not do, and how can I respond?
James 1:22 (NLT) teaches us not to “just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.” This last question invites you to explore what scripture is commanding you to do or teaching you not to do. Then, you can ask the Holy Spirit to empower you to live more like Jesus as revealed to you in the scripture.
*To optimize your time practicing this method, journal and jot down your answers or some key takeaways. We’ve created a journal specifically for your daily reflections from your time reading the Bible! Learn more and order your Seek First Journal here.